Monday, June 8, 2009

Amazing Kiss~

See Wichai

Liu Dai was about to kiss the man on his lips to give him the breath of life, suddenly the man stood up proclaiming he is fine by now. Liu Dai was suprised and somehow..... sad that he did not manage to give him the mouth to mouth first aid.


He signalled the guard to look for his brother

Little Lady Xiao came back running empty handed
Unable to find Lady Sun, and now she's dumbfounded~
Little Lady Xiao gaped her mouth in shock and surprise
A witness to an act of great love, that made her bile rise~

Little Lady Xiao then heard Lord Li An's quick instructions
To find his brother, perhaps to continue some discussions~
Little Lady Xiao can hear her men still grinning, mumbling
Clapped her hands sharp, sent ten of them fetching, running~

Little Lady Xiao came with healers for some quick medication
Walking in with the other men, to relieve the boy's condition~
Little Lady Xiao bowed to Lord An, the prefect's second brother
And gently asked Liu Dai, some bandit information to gather~

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