Monday, June 8, 2009

Old Silent Mao's Letter~

Little Lady Xiao's unit passed by with their laughter
Gossiping as usual, the early morning chatter~
Little Lady Xiao noticed a young guard waving
Puzzled and polite, she then waved back smiling~

Little Lady Xiao saw the guard make a frown
A letter in his hand, she then felt like a clown~
Little Lady Xiao came by, the whole unit in tow
Spoke gently with the guard, twenty men in a row~

Little Lady Xiao quickly skimmed the silent man's letter
And smiled as she nod, ended the speculations thereafter~
Little Lady Xiao bowed and said; "Good sir, you are expected."
"Welcome, welcome, do come with us to be properly escorted~"

Little Lady Xiao beckoned at the guards to make a good escort
"I will inform Lord Sheng of your arrival. This, I will report~"
Little Lady Xiao then sent a guard, for the Guardian of the North
Just as they made a wrong turn; "Oops, wrong way, abort, abort~"

Little Lady Xiao brought old silent Mao before a set of bronze doors
Stuffed animals all around, birds, tigers and what's that? oh, the boars~
Little Lady Xiao then did a gentle stop and made a little knock, knock
"Please wait here. I'll be back." her voice now echoing, "..back.. back~"

Meanwhile lo~..

Messenger Guard: "Guardian of the North, oh Guardian of the North~
Oh where are you please, I have something to report~"

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