Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We Have Monies Lo~

Fang Pi was picking his nose...slowly
Enjoying digging with his finger fully~
Then a little lady came a rapping
Rapping at his counter, tapping~
Fang Pi opened his eyes to say,
"What can I do for you today?"~
Pulling out his finger from his nose,
He wiped his boogers on his clothes.~

Little Lady Xiao can't help but stare, genuinely mesmerized~
Clapped her hands saying; "Waaw...tat your daily exercise~?"
Little Lady Xiao said; "Ooh..you have big shop, hai, hai, hai~"
"I am Xiao from Li Jun's Yunnan, we hav monies, buy, buy, buy~"

Little Lady Xiao began descriptions, her voice was singing
"Mister...ehm, do you have a sleeve dart, I am buying~?"
Little Lady Xiao gestured; "Ahh..it flies like this, like that."
"Ehh..is bit small but not tiny, not too thin, but not too fat~"

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